Our Clients

Our clients outperform at every level of their organization. As a result, they achieve their business objectives faster and more effectively


Client Testimonials


Without AMC, the success of this program would have been impossible. The efforts and contribution of the team have been greatly appreciated. Thank you again for continuously offering your support. Working with you, has always been a pleasure.

Mohammed Sangoora Director of Learning and Development
Saudi Telecom Company (STC)

We have been extremely pleased with the training and facilitation programs we received from the American Management Center, for both top and operational levels of our company. We were particularly pleased with AMC's highly competent and internationally-experienced consultants and their hands-on approach methodology, enriched with various assessment tools throughout the programs. They addressed our challenges with extreme efficiency and the programs participants were highly engaged and walked away with highly beneficial takeaways. We appreciate your world-class efforts and definitely recommend your services. We look forward for many more successful events and assignments.

Masoud Aftaita Regional Affairs Manager
National Petroleum Services (NPS)

Dear AMC Based on the very positive and strong feedback from our participants, we would like to thank you for the excellent and efficient service in delivering your training programs, which helped us achieve our objectives. We wish you all the success in conducting seminars and programs with the same spirit in the future.

Ali Abdulmunam Al-Sinan General Manager, Human Resources