Our Best Practices

Drawing from our best practices, we offer you a unique blend of expertise to help you design and deliver training that matters


Consider the bigger picture


Good Assessment: Right Decision "Get it right the first time!"

AMC adopts a proven integrated assessment framework in order to design and deliver the most effective training solutions.

We apply the ADDIE instructional Framework

Analysis Phase, "Training Needs Assessment"
Define your organizational and individual performance results
Identify performance measures for the competencies to be taught
Identify knowledge requirements to determine the level of instruction needed based on performer analysis
Create an evaluation strategy for the training
Design Phase, "Creation of a training strategy that includes"
Learning objectives for each competency/task
Assessments/tests to show mastery of the tasks
Sequence and structure of topics and lessons
Selection of instructional delivery media/methods.
Development Phase
Develop participant learning materials (workbooks, practices, case studies, programmed e-learning)
Develop facilitator guides
Develop Visual aids (wall charts, PowerPoint slides, etc.)
Develop test of materials (pilot test)
Implementation Phase, “Put the training into action”
Implement a plan for conducting the training
Conduct the training
Evaluation Phase
Review and evaluate each ADDIE phase to ensure it is accomplishing what it needs to
Evaluate o the instructional effectiveness of the training through assessments, observation of performance on the job, and measurement of organizational impact
Revision of the training system.

Real time Connection between the training and the workplace

In order to enhance on-the-job application of skills and knowledge acquired during a training program, AMC works in line with each participant to develop and implement strategies and techniques prior, during and post the training to facilitate learning transfer in the workplace. We offer a framework of experiential learning to help learners understand their learning strengths as well as potential obstacles to future development.


Maximize Interactivity and participant engagement

AMC embraces an innovative approach to provide learners with a meaningful training that is both engaging and impactful. As we consider improving the performance of your organization, we design and deliver training that matters. As part of our follow up strategy, we stress on direct supervisor coaching to ensure application and adoption in the workplace.


Measuring learning impact

AMC believes that measuring learning impact is one of the most critical factors in training and development.Through our learning value chain, we focus on six measurement criteria:

Reaction and planned action: measures the participant satisfaction and captures planned action
Learning: measures the changes in knowledge , skills and attitudes
Application: the changes in on-the-job behavior or action
Business impact: the changes in business impact variables and then we measure the
ROI: compares project benefits to costs.

Our Assessment Tools


At AMC, we offer you a wide variety of assessment tools that help u plan the right training and development programs for your employees


The Clifton Strengths Finder assessment

Gallup's Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment is the first step in helping people identify their talents. Clifton StrengthsFinder results give people a way to discuss and develop their unique combination of skills, talents, and knowledge -- also known as strengths.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) instrument

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment provides a powerful framework for building better relationships, driving positive change, harnessing innovation, and achieving excellence. The MBTI assessment makes Carl Jung's theory of psychological type both understandable and highly practical by helping individuals identify their preferences in four areas.

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®)

The TKI has been the leader in conflict resolution assessment for more than thirty years. This instrument is used by Human Resources (HR) and Organizational Development (OD) consultants as a catalyst to open discussions on difficult issues and facilitate learning about how conflict-handling modes affect personal, group, and organizational dynamics.


Belbin Team Roles

Belbin is a practical and easy-to-use tool that can be applied to training and business outcomes. The theory has been researched over nine years and is continually validated to ensure that it is perfect for the workplace environment today. Belbin Reports take the theory and convert it into tangible, usable advice and guidance for both organizations and individuals.

Knowledge Assessment

Assess participants' knowledge before and after the session. Pre-test and post-test will be administered for every course. These tests will be corrected between courses and sent to the client for distribution to the participants.

Engagement Level Assessment

The engagement level of the participants is a key enabler to the program impact on the participants allowing the transfer of knowledge, connection of different concepts with the client's business needs. The quality and quantity of the contribution is a key performance indicator and will be covered as part of the individual evaluation report.


Team Work Assessment

TWA is a series of program activities that involve break out group work and team work. The participants are assessed on their team roles and contribution. Team dynamics will be observed and discussed at different intervals of the program to assure active contributions and role identification of all team members.


AMC has adopted an e-profiler tool to evaluate the participants' progress throughout its program. This assessment tool has been used and developed and implemented by AMC for major clients in the region.

Coaching Sessions

One to one coaching sessions, usually conducted after 4-6 weeks after each training session (two hour sessions).


How we work with you

We do not deliver a single learning experience, we build and tailor the whole learning solution that fits your system, help your people acquire more capabilities and enjoy more opportunities


We analyze the context of your organization through pre-session meetings with all concerned parties

We customize our programs to develop the training solutions that are relevant to your organization. Then, we design our content, our tools and all the skills-based activities

We measure your learning outcomes and ensure the top quality of all programs offered, covering all the aspects of the program (pre, during and post training)

We support the training with different teaching methodologies, following the latest trends and learning approaches (experiential learning, case studies, executive coaching, group projects, insights from industry experts)

We encourage mentorship/coaching, to help employers lead the way and employees apply new skills and behaviors on the job

We work with a project management approach to assure the delivery of the program based on the agreed scope, on-time and on-budget and with performance of the highest quality, and excellence

We work to eliminate barriers to learning by helping employees approach training as active learners through creating a receptive mind-set for training before it happens and ensure a supportive environment afterwards

We help you prioritize the sense of purpose around people, by spreading a culture of continuous professional development


Our Quality Assurance System


AMC's Quality Control Mechanisms
Our quality control program, includes but not limited to, the three following phases


Phase 1: Preliminary Control

This phase takes place right after the need assessment is completed, where we assign people to make sure that the training manual, material, exercises, cases and other training tools are consistent with the objective of the training program. Moreover, our quality inspectors carefully assess the CVs of trainers assigned for each program to make sure that they have the competencies needed for them. In addition, an orientation session is conducted with each trainer prior to deployment

Phase 2: Concurrent Control

This phase takes place during the program, whereby we assign our experts to go and observe how the session is going. These observers are authorized and qualified to provide daily feedback to AMC Trainers. There may be cases, where the trainer and observer realize that the level of the participants is either higher or lower than expected. In this case, our trainers adjust the materials accordingly


Phase3: Feedback Control

This phase takes place at the end of each session, AMC management receive feedback from trainers and observers on the performance and quality of delivery. Usually comments raised by participants are also discussed and plans are developed for future adjustments and improvements.

American Management Centre usually conducts a 1-day Learning Assurance Session (LAS) upon the successful completion of a training program. Participants will be invited by AMC to attend a full day with AMC's top consultants where a revision of the whole program will be conducted


Industries Overview


Business Groups


Financial Services

Government Sector



Non Profit Organizations

Oil & Gas

Real Estate Development

Retail & Consumer Products


Utilities & Infrastructure